/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Cell Phone Repair / 0 Comments

3 common cell phone problems

Having your cell phone in proper working order is a priority. These days, cell phones do a whole lot more than just make calls; we rely on them for everything from taking pictures, fact finding and directions, to sending and receiving text messages and emails.

According to the data, 70% of young adults use their phones for entertainment. Anyone who has had their phone break down understands just how important their phone is in everyday life. Repairing your cell phone is of utmost importance in this situation. Below, we take a look at three common cell phone problems:

Charge port problem

The charging port of your phone is the small opening where you plug in the charger. Inside the opening are small metal tabs. When these become damaged for any reason, your phone will not charge properly. You may notice it will charge for a few minutes or seconds, then stop charging and later return to charging again. Sometimes when you wiggle the cord it will either start or stop charging. If you have tried different battery chargers but the problem exists, then the issue is with the charging port.

Water damage

Probably one the most common problems people have with their cell phones is water damage. Of course, no one intends to drop their phone in water, but accidents happen. It’s common to panic when this occurs and think your phone is history. However, the best thing to do is turn it off, don’t plug it in, and take it as soon as possible to a repair place. Cell phone repair technicians have special tools designed to dry it out safely. Do not attempt to fix it yourself or it could make the problem worse.

Malware infection

If you download apps or any other software, your phone is susceptible to malware infection. Malware affects phones in different ways. You may notice that your battery drains out a lot faster than it did before. Your phone may be slow at processing whereas it used to work much faster. Sometimes when malware has infected a phone it can freeze up on you. When this happens you need to shut it down and restart the phone. That usually unfreezes it, but if malware is the problem it will freeze again. A cell phone specialist can help eliminate malware from your phone.

If you have any of the above problems with your cell phone, contact RocketIt Repairs today. We have expert technicians standing by to help solve your issue and make your phone reliable once again.