/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Cell Phone Repair / 0 Comments

Having your cell phone in proper working order is a priority. These days, cell phones do a whole lot more than just make calls; we rely on them for everything from taking pictures, fact finding and directions, to sending and receiving text messages and emails.

According to the data, 70% of young adults use their phones for entertainment. Anyone who has had their phone break down understands just how important their phone is in everyday life. Repairing your cell phone is of utmost importance in this situation. Below, we take a look at three common cell phone problems:

Charge port problem

The charging port of your phone is the small opening where you plug in the charger. Inside the opening are small metal tabs. When these become damaged for any reason, your phone will not charge properly. You may notice it will charge for a few minutes or seconds, then stop charging and later return to charging again. Sometimes when you wiggle the cord it will either start or stop charging. If you have tried different battery chargers but the problem exists, then the issue is with the charging port.

Water damage

Probably one the most common problems people have with their cell phones is water damage. Of course, no one intends to drop their phone in water, but accidents happen. It’s common to panic when this occurs and think your phone is history. However, the best thing to do is turn it off, don’t plug it in, and take it as soon as possible to a repair place. Cell phone repair technicians have special tools designed to dry it out safely. Do not attempt to fix it yourself or it could make the problem worse.

Malware infection

If you download apps or any other software, your phone is susceptible to malware infection. Malware affects phones in different ways. You may notice that your battery drains out a lot faster than it did before. Your phone may be slow at processing whereas it used to work much faster. Sometimes when malware has infected a phone it can freeze up on you. When this happens you need to shut it down and restart the phone. That usually unfreezes it, but if malware is the problem it will freeze again. A cell phone specialist can help eliminate malware from your phone.

If you have any of the above problems with your cell phone, contact RocketIt Repairs today. We have expert technicians standing by to help solve your issue and make your phone reliable once again.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Phones / 0 Comments

Most people know about viruses that attack their computers, but they do not know anything about viruses that attack their mobile devices. There is malicious software which is created to attack your mobile device.

What is mobile malware?

This malicious software specifically attacks the operating system in mobile devices. These malware types also take advantage of certain mobile device software technologies. They represent malware attacks in the modern technology world, and with the growth in mobile technology, they have become common.

How do you expose your device to mobile malware?

The most common ways are downloading files and applications from the internet. They access your personal information and make it accessible to a cyber-criminal. The malicious app may also dial premium-rate numbers from your device and leave you with costly bills on your mobile. Other applications will completely ruin your mobile device to a point you cannot use it again.

Another way is through text messages or voicemails from numbers that look legitimate. They will call asking for your personal information.

Tips to help you stay safe from mobile malware

1. Ensure that you only download your applications from a legitimate market. Also, you should check other reviews and feedback before downloading. Avoid apps that have negative reviews. Make sure you are surfing and downloading files using a secure wireless network. Be sure to establish whether you understand the privacy policies of the app.

2. Ensure that you do not share your personal information when you download the application.

3. Go through your mobile statements to ensure there are no suspicious charges. If there are such charges, contact your mobile provider and enquire about them.

4. Avoid responding to anonymous text messages or voicemails with your personal information. If they claim they are your bank or any service providers, call their legitimate line and verify if it is true.

5. Always visit legitimate sites while browsing on the internet.

In conclusion, if you are experiencing trouble with your mobile device, you can also visit RockIT Repairs. We are a Virginia-based cell phone repair shop with vast experience in fixing damaged phones, laptops, tablets and other electronics.

Photo provided by : https://howtostartablogonline.net/tech

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Charging Problems / 0 Comments

Instances of fires, explosions and other serious emergencies involving lithium-ion batteries have increased over the last year. Mobile phone and other Li-ion powered device users often wonder if there is anything they can do to protect themselves against this danger. Additionally, people are surprised to learn that the risks associated with Li-ion batteries can affect mobile phone repairs. We have created this short guide to help make the topic less confusing.

What are lithium-ion batteries?

Li-ion batteries are rechargeable energy cells that generate electrochemical reactions via a solution of non-metallic lithium ions. They are perfect for use in portable electronics because they are less unstable than lithium metal and dense enough to create lightweight batteries.

Why do they cause so many problems?

Liquid electrolytes inside the batteries are flammable and irritate the skin. Without certain safety measures, lithium-ion batteries suffer instability, overheat and then expand from pressure, catch fire or explode. Manufacturer and design flaws and defects and user error and accidents can also cause overheating and battery damage. Any type of damage can release toxic gasses as well.

How to decrease the risks

Since manufacturing problems can happen at any time, it is important that you regularly check the manufacturer’s website for recall notices and warnings. Also, always use manufacturer-approved chargers and only as instructed. Unapproved chargers might not meet safety requirements or have power management systems to prevent rapid charging or overcharging and related overheating. Replace swollen, damaged and hotter-than-normal batteries and keep batteries away from heat sources, including sunlight, stoves, pants pockets and between seat cushions. Lastly, since any device irregularities affect battery stability, hire a repair expert to inspect devices that experience sudden hardware or software problems or any type of ground drops or damage.

At our RockIT Repairs cell phone repair locations, our experienced technicians help local and long-distance customers determine if their lithium-ion batteries are safe and if repair-related problems might have a negative impact on working batteries. Beyond mobile phones, we perform Kindle repair and fix tablets, laptops, related accessories and other electronics that contain lithium-ion batteries. Contact us today for more information.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Cell Phone Repair / 0 Comments

With today’s technology, a phone is no longer just for making calls. It is a high-tech digital camera, a computing device, a navigational tool, an alarm clock.

Any device that is used so much is bound to suffer damage if unprotected. It may get dropped or exposed to the weather, and for most modern phones that would be lights out. Some of the more expensive models are known for screen breakage from almost trivial impacts. Before accidents happen, you may wish to look into protective covers to waterproof your phone and insulate it from shock. This small investment could save a lot of heartbreak later.

You could also buy a packet of screen savers, those peelable strips of adhesive transparent plastic which are placed over your phone screen to protect its delicate surface from scratches. For those who often use their phone to watch videos, a scratch-free screen is a must.

It is also wise to put your phone someplace safe when it is not being used. For instance, if you have a job where you are moving around a lot and there is a chance the phone might be damaged, do not carry the device with you unless absolutely necessary.

Sometimes despite your best efforts, accidents happen. If your phone breaks somehow you could always upgrade. But some people like the phone they have and may want it repaired. In that case, there are many cell phone repair shops available.

One of these can be found right in the Virginia area. ROCKIT Repairs is a business specializing in refurbishing mobile phones, and also offers Kindle repair, Xbox One Repair, and repair of laptops. There are currently two ROCKIT Repairs stores in Virginia. Customers can call ahead and make an appointment, or just come in. For those not in the Virginia area, Rockit Repairs offers convenient mail-in of your device and serves customers from all over the country.

It’s best to avoid problems before they happen, but it’s good to know there are options available in case they do and you want to keep the phone you have.

/ By Jonathan Hawkins / Cell Phone Repair / 0 Comments

When it comes to technology, we’ve quickly become a culture of ‘keeping up with the phoneses’. The concept of haste makes waste has been buried in a landfill under latest is greatest. Even in the thesaurus, the word ‘replace’ has become synonymous with ‘repair’. Where’s our common sense gone?

It seems as though every new season offers an opportunity for consumers to shell out bigger bucks for the smallest smartphone updates. And what’s more, a cell phone needing a minor repair provides just the right excuse to market those little updates to you.

People used to fix things; they weren’t so quick to pollute the earth with discarded trends and inconveniences. Smartphone repair may seem less than chic, but it is far more intelligent than buying new every year – for several reasons.

Cell phone repair is practical

It means more money and more freedom staying in your pocket. Most smartphone repairs are far less costly than the purchase price of a new smartphone. The average retail price for a smartphone is about $600, or you can save the retail cost up front by paying for it with a long-term, locked-in service contract. For freedom lovers everywhere, the most frugal choice is cell phone repair. A good cell phone repair shop is as American as the Apple iPhone!

It’s environmentally conscious

Cell phone repair, laptop repair – even Xbox repair – helps to preserve the landscape. Even when taking recycling into consideration, all those discarded batteries, plastics and chemicals have to go somewhere.

But perhaps the most appealing reason to repair a smart phone instead of replacing it every year is what you’ll see when you look around the bend (pun intended). Remember, a penny saved IS a penny earned, and it just might be fun to sock away a few of those saved technology dollars for something REALLY new and interesting. With flexible cell phone screens, smart bangle bracelets, accordion phones and other weird and wonderful technologies rolling out in just a few years, you’ll be glad that you were smart.