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Tips for dealing with mobile phone theft

Thieves in the United States steal millions of mobile phones every year. Beyond offering services related to phone repairs, we also show customers how to improve their lives when using their phones and other devices. The following three security tips can help make dealing with phone theft easier:

Lock your cell phone

One of the most important theft deterrent features on your phone is its lock screen. Although thieves can find software for hacking phones, many thieves only take phones that offer them immediate open access. Make your phone unattractive by setting up the lock screen with a passcode, drawing or gesture and then using the lock every time you’re away from it.

Install hidden tracking software

You’re probably already familiar with geolocation trackers that allow you to share your phone’s location on social networks so that family, friends and followers know where you’re located at any given moment. Although you can sometimes use this software in a pinch to find a stolen phone, thieves typically turn off obvious tracking apps. Instead, install remote access GPS tracking software that has been specially designed by a security firm to remain hidden until needed.

Change your outdoor behaviors

Your behavior has a direct impact on whether you become the victim of phone theft. Many people take unnecessary risks while running errands, enjoying a night on the town and traveling during business trips and vacations. In addition to using the lock screen, always check that you have your phone on you before leaving any location. People frequently leave behind their phones accidentally in cars, on retail store counters and restaurant or bar tables, and at gas station pumps. They also commonly lose their phones on seating in public transportation vehicles, movie theaters and churches.

At our two RockIT Repairs Virginia cell phone repairs shops, our expert technicians can help you repair damage to a retrieved stolen phone and show you additional tips and tricks for keeping your phone data safe from thieves. We provide both local and long-distance cell phone repair technical support. For more information, contact us by phone or email today.